Call for Proposals: NGOs working with Ukrainian Asylum Seekers (Turkey)

Call for Proposals: NGOs working with Ukrainian Asylum Seekers (Turkey)


The Association for Social Development and Aid Mobilization (SGDD-ASAM) and the United Nations Childrens Funds (UNICEF) invites all interested non-governmental organizations which are operating in Türkiye and are working with Ukrainian refugee populations, asylum seekers and migrants to apply for a small grant.

This invitation for proposals aims to up to 5 (five) non-governmental organizations which operate in Türkiye and deliver services in the fields of refugee protection and inclusion. The awarded NGOs will be provided with capacity building support through know-how exchange and trainings.

Funding Information
  • Small Grant up to 400.000,00 TRY.
Eligibility Criteria
  • The applicants must be registered in Türkiye.
  • All project activities must be implemented in Türkiye.
  • All activities financed by this grant must be completed before 31 January 2024.
  • Any application submitted after the deadline will be automatically rejected.
  • All submitted applications will be reviewed by SGDD-ASAM for the compliance with the eligibility criteria based on the supporting documents.
  • Any correspondence, application and documentation must be in English or Turkish.


For more informations

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