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Country Director 1
Country Managers 3
Brand Ambassador 2
Social Ambassador 2
Peace Ambassador 2

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Charity Organizations In Suriname

Suriname is a country located on the northeast coast of South America. It is particularly well-known as being one of the most diverse areas, ethnically speaking, in the region.

If you would like to donate to a good cause in Suriname, but you don’t know where to start, check out our guide to the best charity organizations in Suriname:

Mangrove Action Project

The Mangrove Action Project is a grassroots organization that aims to conserve the local mangrove forests and the delicate local ecosystem, benefiting wildlife, people, and the planet. It operates in numerous locations globally, including Suriname.

Green Heritage Fund Suriname

The Green Heritage Fund Suriname is an NGO that advocates on behalf of the local environment. It also works hard to improve education among the people living in Suriname and goes to great efforts to protect local wildlife including sloth and dolphins.

The Carter Center

The Carter Center is a charity that is committed to human rights and conflict resolution. Its members believe in a peaceful world without violence and they do everything they can to advocate for that in Suriname and around the world, using an analytic, evidence-based approach to achieve their aims.

The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification

The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification is was founded in 1944, and ever since then, it has made its mission to promote peace and unification, as well as strong family values, around the world. Surina,e being one of the most ethnically diverse communities in the region, this charity has really taken root there due to its won diversity and acceptance of people from all walks of life.

SOS Children in Suriname

SOS Children in Suriname is the biggest orphan charity on the planet. It helps orphaned children to lead a better life with access to education, playgrounds, and living space. It also works with poor local communities to improve their opportunities too, which is why it is such a popular charity locally and nationally.

Stichting Lobi

Stichting Lobi is a charity that is primarily concerned with sexual health and reproduction. It provides advice and medical care to those people most in need in the area., and it is always looking for donations to help it continue with its important work.

Green Growth Suriname Foundation

The Green Growth Suriname Foundation is an ecological organization with a focus on people-orientated conservation. They believe that by educating local people and helping them to improve their lives, they can also improve the local ecology and come up with sustainable solutions for the future.

Court Charity

Court Charity is located in the capital city of Paramaribo. It is an offshoot of the Foresters Friendly Society which was founded in Britain.

As you can see, there are so many amazing charities working along with AAM Nation Care to help improve lives in Suriname. If you donate to any one of these good causes, you sn rest assured that your much-needed help will be gratefully received.

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