Honorable Ali Bahadar Bin Khan Bahadar

Country Manager for UAE

                                Umar Ali Khan                                                              Maqsood Ali Khan

                            Country Manager for UAE                                          Country Manager for UAE


AI-UNO stands by United NGOs Organization, World Largest NGOs platform. This platform is huge number of NGOs network, now we collected more than 0.1 million NGOs around the world, we want to join more NGOs and Strong platform for the benefits of local, national and International NGOs, Trusts, CSOs, Societies, Foundations and Social groups. These positions are voluntarily basis working.

Require Executive Staff Numbers
Country Director 1
Country Managers 3
Brand Ambassador 2
Social Ambassador 2
Peace Ambassador 2

Please before joining study and follow the criteria for selection, read the below link about criteria article. Write your request Post Name in Subject like i.e. “Country Director” at info@aiuno.org

Link Click: Positions from every country to more strong and effective work – AI UNO

Government entities responsible for social, charitable and humanitarian work within and outside the UAE:

Charitable organisations in the UAE:

Humanitarian organisations for women:

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