Aus Aid for NGOs in 2024


Who can apply for DAP funding?

Funding is available on a not-for-profit basis to community groups, NGOs and other entities registered in Pakistan.

There is no minimum amount that a single DAP project can receive but the maximum is AUD 60,000 over the life of the project. Projects of a lower value (up to AUD 40,000) are highly encouraged. DAP partners are encouraged to contribute to at least 25 per cent of the total project cost. Activities can run up to a maximum of two years.

The preferred and priority sectors for DAP projects this year are climate change and gender. DAP projects engage a wide range of partners including community groups, non-government organisations, educational institutions and local governments.

The DAP summary information can be reviewed here:

How will applications be assessed?

The DAP Committee will assess the applications against the following criteria:

  • the costs and the development benefits of the project;
  • whether it has achievable and sustainable outcomes;
  • the soundness of the project’s objectives and design;
  • the practicability of the proposed implementation arrangements,
  • alignment with the Australian High Commission’s priority sectors (climate change and gender) and;
  • whether the project conforms to the objectives of the Direct Aid Program.

During this process, we may ask the applicant for additional information.

What activities are eligible for DAP Support?

DAP activities should achieve practical and tangible outcomes of high development impact. DAP is able to fund activities that have a direct, practical and immediate impact. Preference will be given to projects:

  • where applicants and their communities make a contribution to the success of the project (e.g. labour, materials, transport or cash);
  • that enhance educational and cultural exchanges and people-to-people links;
  • that are achievable and have sustainable outcomes; and
  • that provide educational or occupational/skills training.

We will generally not fund the following:

  • cash grants or micro-credit schemes or projects that involve the return of money;
  • start-up enterprises/ commercial ventures;
  • purchases of major assets: vehicles, tractors, refrigerators, photocopiers;
  • purchases of computers and other items which are easily stolen (cameras, laptops);
  • Australian or overseas study tours;
  • international travel (except for capacity building by experts, on a case-by-case basis);
  • sponsorship of major sporting tournaments or cultural displays that do not have a clear developmental benefit; and
  • staff salaries and other routine, recurring running costs and administrative expenses including office rental and utility costs, spare parts and routine maintenance

How can I apply?

Applications for the 2022-23 project cycle are now open! All applications for the 2022-23 cycle must be submitted online at   

Applications for this round of DAP projects close on 19 November 2023. Applications submitted after this date will not be assessed at this time.

source by: Direct Aid Program (

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